Veronika Zimmer

Personal background
After completing my Master’s degree in Communication Management, I worked at a specialised management consultancy company which helped companies from various branches develop communication strategies, strengthen their positioning and further develop their processes and structures in the communications department. During this process, I trained in the New Work, Lean Strategy and OKR (Objectives and Key Results) management methods.




Added value for the customer
My work is characterised by methodological competence, analytical thinking and structured approaches. With empathy, active listening and new perspectives, I would like to drive forward communications in organisations and companies and assist with developing suitable solutions – always working together on equal footing.

My motivation
When we as consultants leave a location after a joint project where people enjoy working, know the reasons for their everyday work and understand how each individual makes a valuable contribution to the overall structure, that is very fulfilling for me. It motivates me to be able to change something for the better and to see both how the team and the entire company benefits from this in the long term.