What skills do leaders need to empower employees – in everyday life as well as in ongoing change situations? How do they shape their leadership task in an authentic, motivating, and goal-oriented way? How do they communicate – and how do they better not? No matter whether you are tackling a current challenge or want to fundamentally redesign the leadership tasks in your organisation: We support you with experience and know-how.
Management Consulting and Sparring
Is your top management a performing team? Top management also needs common values, goals, and work on team spirit in order to move forward successfully. In everyday life and in change situations, we support you as neutral experts and advise and coach your management team objectively, openly, and with great clarity.
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CEO Positioning
As CXO, you don’t have much time to define your position. Maybe 100 days? Use the initial phase in a new function to position yourself strategically well – with employees and the management team. What are the expectations? How do I get feedback? How do I get into an interaction? We assist you during the turbulent onboarding phase and, If you like, way beyond.
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Leadership in Change
Can your managers do a balancing act? In change, their tasks are many and varied – they move the process forward, act as role models, multipliers, and at the same time are themselves under pressure to change. In order to cope with this, they need a high degree of reflection, leadership, and communication skills. We teach your leaders how to best fulfil their roles in the change process, how to communicate authentically, and how to be mindful of their own resources.
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Mental Health
Do you also think about mental health of your employees in the context of health management? Mental health measures are no luxury ad on anymore, they are an urgently needed standard in organizations. We support you with experience and know-how, so that your organization and employees become and remain healthy. This includes Psyche Risk Assessment, Mental Health First Aider (MHFA) Education and trainings.
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Leadership Communication
Would it make it easier for you and your leadership team if you could intuitively master your daily communication challenges? Communication is a matter of practice. We train you to communicate confidently in everyday life and in phases of change, and together we develop the formats and communication processes that are right for you. This also includes dealing with difficult topics and challenging relationships.
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New Work and Leadership
Have you already found your leadership style in New Work? Or are you still looking for guidance for your role and for cooperation? We can help you pave the way for you or your leadership team to become coaching leaders, and we can be at your side as you work on yourself. Our consultancy is complemented by teaching you the necessary skills to reshape your leadership in hybrid working environments.
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We love communication – let’s get in touch!
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