Mey El-Hossini, Cooperation Partner

Personal background
As an experienced senior specialist for internal and change communication, I have been developing tailor-made communication strategies for my clients and supporting their implementation for 15 years. My career path has taken me from live communication (B2B and B2C) to two large financial service providers, a software company and a communications consultancy, and finally to self-employment. As a trained event manager, I studied social psychology and anthropology as well as philosophy.




Added value for the customer
I am passionate about developing communication strategies and concepts that meet the individual needs and goals of each company. It is important to me to reach the people who are connected to the company, both employees and external target groups. Having worked on both sides – agency and company – I understand both sides. I provide authentic, constructively critical, pragmatic and solution-oriented support for all challenges.

My motivation
Communication changes, and is a decisive basis for how we think and act. I am delighted when we can make a difference together with good communication and offer added value to the company and the people. I also firmly believe in agile corporate communication, and empower communicators to optimize their communication work.