Kathrin Deimann, Cooperation Partner

Personal background
With over 10 years of experience in strategic communications consulting and an initial focus on corporate & public affairs, I spent four years coordinating an international network of strategic communications consultancies and developing it both internally and externally. I further developed my passion for networks and people during my time in HR consulting and dealt with the important topic of work. Today I work as an independent communications consultant and am co-founder of “We&C”, a consulting collective of independent communications experts.

Added value for the customer
Always keeping an eye on the big picture and always thinking about the small but often crucial details. Connecting people thematically and thus creating added value for everyone – those are my strengths. Approaching every project with an open mind and curiosity, without prefabricated templates and, very importantly, first listening and understanding, then acting.

My motivation
“You can’t not communicate” (Paul Watzlawick). We should always be aware of this and give communication the importance it deserves – as one of a company’s most important strategic tools and a key component of sustainable corporate success. I would like to work with companies to fully utilise the potential of communication.