a black and white photo of clouds in the sky

Mental Health

Healthy employees and mindful managers in everyday digital work life

When you think of health management, do you also think of the mental health of your employees? Mental health measures have not been a luxury add-on for a long time, but are an urgently needed standard in organisations. We advise and support you in firmly anchoring mental health programmes in your company so that your organisation and employees stay and become healthy. We have expertise, experience, and the right formats – feel free to contact us.

Mental Health First Aider (MHFA) Education

More and more companies in Germany are following a trend that has long been standard in Anglo-Saxon countries: They train “Mental Health First Aiders”. The mental health first aiders gain basic knowledge about various mental health problems and crises. They recognise problems in time, find access to those affected and can support them in overcoming crises. In cooperation with the non-profit organisation “MHFA First Aiders”, we train employees to become Mental Health First Aiders in order to give this important topic not just one, but many faces. With the help of the First Aiders, management also gets to know about the causes of unnecessary stress. Rigid hierarchies, no opportunities for participation, bottlenecks in decision-making, and the associated overload are just some of the weak points of an organisation that can lead to much more than poor results.

Your Contact:

a woman in a black shirt smiling for the camera

Andrea Montua

Managing Director

Training: Healthy Leadership

Managers are important factors for mental well-being. Their leadership style and personality have a decisive influence on the health of employees. Studies show that 35 percent of employees perceive their manager as the most important reason for stress. Also the change of a superior due to changes in the organisational structure can trigger stress – 80 percent of those surveyed said this. In times of uncertainty or in concrete change situations, the stress level increases even more. Recognising these triggers and reacting to them correctly is not always easy, especially since managers have to manage stress themselves. But the ability to lead in a healthy way can be learned. We support you so that your team remains efficient and motivated – even if the workload increases at times or changes pose a challenge to the organisation.

Your Contact:

a woman in a black shirt smiling for the camera

Andrea Montua

Managing Director

Training: Resilience and Stress Management

Resilience and stress management are the most important skills in dealing with change and crises. But how do we develop psychological resilience in the face of external circumstances and how do we deal with stress as constructively as possible? Our coaches and trainers work with you to develop concepts for improved resilience and stress management in your company and provide you with skills in training and workshops that will help your managers and employees to become more relaxed, satisfied, and productive.

Your Contact:

a woman in a black shirt smiling for the camera

Andrea Montua

Managing Director

Psyche Risk Assessment

Is risk assessment of mental stress not only a corporate duty for you, but also an intrinsic obligation towards your employees? Then you want to identify and resolve the factors for mental stress as early as possible. This is exactly where our experience, proven methods and effective tools will find sustainable solutions for your company to support the mental health of all employees. If you like, we can also conduct a risk assessment (in German: “Gefährdungsbeurteilung”, GBU) with you – feel free to contact us.

Your Contact:

a woman in a black shirt smiling for the camera

Andrea Montua

Managing Director