Andrea Montua

Personal Background
As a business graduate with an affinity for journalism, human resources and communication, it quickly became clear that internal communications would offer an ideal opportunity to combine these elements. For more than 20 years, I have had the privilege of supporting people and companies with situations involving everyday communication as well as with change processes. I look forward to providing you with the best possible support from our team.



Added value for the customer
Even during turbulent times, I’m happy to stand by your side and help you maintain an overview and keep you focused on the (communication) issues which are relevant to you. I’m happy to provide you with decades of experience in change processes as well as a great deal of positive thinking.

My motivation
I consider communication to be the DNA of all interpersonal connections, both in a private and professional context. Therefore, my daily incentive is to help companies motivate and encourage their managers and employees in their daily work and in transformation processes. This is the only way that companies can optimally position themselves for the future and maneuver successfully through stormy times.